selamat berjumpa semoga tidak marah-marah

Mereka hendak menipu Allah dan orang-orang yang beriman, padahal mereka hanya menipu diri sendiri sedang mereka tidak sadar. (QS. 2:9)

In trying to deceive GOD and those who believe, they only deceive themselves without perceiving

Rabu, September 09, 2009

Konsep yang di kirim ke Jepang

Rabu, 17 Juni 2009.

Pagi masih terasa nikmat, dan sudah dikantor sejak jam 08.00, pagi ini setengah hari untuk merumuskan konsep kerja sama dengan Pemerintah Jepang.

Draftnya sebagai berikut:

Memorandum Of Understanding
The Ministry of Public Works, Republic of Indonesia
The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism The Government of Japan
National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management
International Research Division
Concerning of the
Technical Official Research

Recognizing the importance of Research Techinal Assisstent and the objectives reform effort , the Departemen The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism The Government of Japan,
National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, International Research Division in the Government of Republic Indonesia, Ministry of Public Works, have reached the following agreement on a Tehnical Official Researhcer.

Article 1
This Memorandum of Understanding established the ministry Public Works of Republic Indonesia – Japan, the Departemen The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism The Government of Japan, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, to formulated and implement the Technical Official Researcher Assisstent Initiatif.

The RI – Japan will consist of Steering Committee and a Secretariat office. Both sides may also invited other concerned government departements, public institution, research institutes and enterprises to participate in council activities.

The Steering Committee plans to meet every two years, alternately in the the Departemen The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the ministry Public Works of Republic Indonesia. Its main responsibilties include : determining the cooperation guidelines, principle, framework, priorities and aproach, and examining and approving bi annual cooperation plans.

The secretariat is standing body under the steering committee, Its main responsibility is to coordinate of the committee, then place a staff of technical assistance in the public works department of research.

Article 2
The intention of this initiative is to create an organized and systematic research that can be a conception of the world in the field researcher research the social, economic, cultural and community role in public works. This initiative may be implemented through mutual visits and short time researcher, Technical Official research, aid the task of the staff reseacher. Cooperation programs in the fields of research Public Works are outlined in the annex to this Memorandum of Understanding.

The Public Work of RI- Japan, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, the Government of Japan, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management, may also through its cooperative discussions and activities, advance the achievement of the great economic development potential of researched Public works and promoted the social objective of the RI and Japan.

Article 3

Funding for any spesific project under this initiative or the work conducted by the Researched Public Works Council is contingent upon the availability of financial resources from the JICA.

Article 4
Activities under this Memorandum of Understanding commence upon signature and continued in effect for five ( 5 ) years, untul the Memorandum of Understanding is terminated by either party giving six ( 6 ) months notification to the other party.

Signed in Jakarta on Augustus 17. 2009. In the Japan and English languages

Sore harinya hingga malam sendirian di kantor menyusun perjalanan penelitian penataan ruang ke Surabaya.

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